Zendesk talk

Even in the age of email and social media, customers still prefer to use the phone for communicating with companies. Still in these days many people appreciate companies that make the investment in providing quality support over the phone. A phone conversation is a powerful way to solve a problem. When customers get help over the phone, agents can resolve complex issues faster and deliver personalized support. Research continually shows that the phone channel results in higher customer satisfaction. Zendesk Talk is cloud-based call center software that helps companies provide more personal and productive phone support. It’s built right...

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Proactive customer support

Would it be helpful if you had a way to reach out to your customers before they need to reach out to you? Proactive customer support is one of the biggest customer service trends right now. Proactive customer support is about identifying and resolving customer issues before they become problems. Proactive support also involves identifying ways in which a customer experience can be enhanced without the customer asking for it or even knowing that it’s possible. The truth is, we humans are notoriously bad at asking for help. We may need assistance, but unless it’s easy to come by,...

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