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8 customer service standards to elevate your business

Customer service is a key differentiator in today’s competitive business landscape. Set customer service standards and regularly refine them to delight your audience and boost brand loyalty. As service channels expand and evolve, customer expectations change along with them. To keep your audience satisfied and build brand loyalty, you need to set clear customer service standards that emphasise speed, thoroughness, and kindness. What are customer service standards? Customer service standards are benchmarks for customer satisfaction. Support teams measure a variety of performance KPIs – like first-response time and wrap-up time – to assess whether they’re providing high-quality experiences and...

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Customer Service in the World of Cryptocurrency

The popularity of digital assets today reflects the changing needs and behaviours of financial services users. According to the Global Monitoring Report, the cryptocurrency market capitalisation has roughly tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic. It could reach a record $2.8 trillion by the end of 2021. As more people turn their attention and participate in the world of digital assets, cryptocurrencies have become the new asset of choice for many investors. These factors have led to the emergence of many cryptocurrency exchange platforms around the world. The attractiveness of the high yield cryptocurrency market continues to attract new investors to this market. As...

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5 biggest sales trends to watch for 2022

The key trends you can’t ignore if you want to be ready for the 2022 sales market. We’re well into 2022, and, just like last year, sales are in a unique place. Buyers continue to work remotely, online sales increase, and the pandemic has left companies on edge.  Despite everything, your company’s goal for the coming year is probably the same as always: to grow and increase sales revenue. To do that, you’ll need to be more informed than ever about buyer behavior, recent trends in selling (including B2B sales), and trends in sales management.  In this piece, we...

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What is customer-facing? Everything you need to know about customer-facing roles​

Learn about customer-facing roles, what kind of people do well in them, and how to improve your own customer-facing skills. Any type of career a person chooses will require developing a relevant skillset. People who choose to work in customer-facing roles have to learn a set of skills that are as much about honing personality traits as learning facts. Working with customers can be immensely rewarding for people who enjoy helping others. But anyone considering a career that involves interacting with clients or customers directly will need to understand: What customer-facing jobs entail How to develop the proper skills...

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5 tips for improving your customer self-service strategy

5 tips for improving your customer self-service strategy What is customer self-service?  Customer self-service is the process by which customers resolve their own problems without help from a support agent.  With today’s self-service tools, self customer service isn’t relegated to one platform. A customer can chat with a bot on your mobile app that connects that customer with a help center article. Your company can follow up via automated text message to see if the customer got answers they needed. If not, the customer can schedule a call with a support representative at their convenience. The foundation of a...

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Cross-border e-commerce customer service strategy

Cross-border e-commerce customer service strategy From the past COVID-19 outbreak, E-commerce business grows up to 5 times. Due to various factors that facilitate consumers such as the development of smartphones, modern communications, various payment systems, lower shipping costs and governments in some countries supporting the establishment of warehouses, etc. Therefore, trade is not only confined to the country, but also expanding to the world. Including the emergence of e-Marketplace that collects products from various sources around the world in one place, the potential Cross-border e-commerce countries in the Asia-Pacific region are China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. To continuously grow...

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Ways to improve your online customer service

When it comes to online customer service, the fundamentals remain the same while many of the specifics undergo dramatic changes. Great customer service can be a challenge on online because of the lack of face-to-face contact. Many of us know the saying that a happy customer will tell one or two people and an unhappy one will tell 10. In online unhappy customer might not just tell 10 people but they might also write about their bad customer service experience on their blog, post comments on social media or criticize you on forums or other similar places. And worse,...

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5 Tips for better Customer Experience Management

There is already one article about why you should be interested in customer experience management. Now we are going to give you six tips on how you can benefit customer experience management even better. Providing great customer experiences can help create loyal brand advocates, who are more likely to spread positive word of mouth about your brand. With these tips, you can improve and further de velop customer experience. 1. Create a clear customer experience vision A customer experience initiative that lacks a strong, clear vision often fails to achieve its intended result. That’s why it’s important for an organisation...

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