Proactive customer support

Would it be helpful if you had a way to reach out to your customers before they need to reach out to you? Proactive customer support is one of the biggest customer service trends right now. Proactive customer support is about identifying and resolving customer issues before they become problems. Proactive support also involves identifying ways in which a customer experience can be enhanced without the customer asking for it or even knowing that it’s possible. The truth is, we humans are notoriously bad at asking for help. We may need assistance, but unless it’s easy to come by,...

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How customers benefit from Zendesk Guide

Up to 73% of consumers say that they want the ability to solve issues on their own, which is why companies do their best to provide a customer experience that is tailored to self-service. Even so, there are surprisingly many businesses who admit that implementing self-service isn’t a top priority, or it’s something they just can’t get around to do. Companies who use Zendesk Guide for their self-service needs have reported benefits such as reduced operational cost, improved agent productivity, and increased customer satisfaction. For a better look into the benefits of self-service, here are three customer stories that...

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Expand Zendesk with apps and integrations

There is almost 700 apps and integrations available in Zendesk. With these extensions you can expand Zendesk even more and resolve customers, and yours, issues better. Best of all, most of these apps are totally free for you. Let’s now take a better look at four great app, Pathfinder, JIRA, TimeTracking and Unbabel. Pathfinder The Pathfinder app displays a timeline of customers web page visit. App displays user activity within a 30 minutes before and after a ticket is filed.When viewing a ticket, the Pathfinder app allows your agents to see which Help Center articles and community posts customers...

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Introducing Zendesk message

With consumer messaging apps on the rise, businesses have begun to connect with customers on crowing number of channels. According to many studies, customer support requests through mobile messaging apps will exceed requests for customer support through traditional social media. In addition, those aged 13 to 24 spend much more time in messaging apps rather than email, according to a recent App Annie report. 6 of the 10 most globally used apps are messaging apps. Businesses need to be able to respond to this development. That’s where Zendesk Message comes in. Zendesk message is a messaging product that helps...

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5 tips for designing a knowledge base

These days customers are getting more independent in solving problems on their own. In fact,  90% of consumers expect a self-service customer support portal from a brand or organisation. Offering a standard knowledge base portal isn’t enough though. The design of your knowledge base affects your customers’ experience with the brand. A messy design can easily make a bad impression. While designing your knowledge base, it’s important to keep simplicity and discoverability in mind. Here are five tips for creating a simple, intuitive and accessible knowledge base. 1. Keep content categories crips and clean The first thing about a...

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What you should know about omnichannel customer service

New or smaller businesses often face a puzzle when thinking about channel selection. The number of communication channels available can feel overwhelming. The most obvious choice might be to choose one, maybe two, channels and handle all customer contacts through them. Unfortunately nowadays it’s not longer enough. Customers require businesses to provide a seamless experience as they move between channels and interact with your brand in-store, on your website, mobile app or with your call center. Customers expect a seamless and consistent approach across all those channels. They are becoming more comfortable interacting with companies across a growing number of...

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5 Business goals that benefit from live chat

  Offering customers live chat will often require some balancing. Different stakeholders will have different views as to where it offers the best value. Support might want to keep it focused on the customer experience, while sales might see it as a tool for increasing conversions. Ultimately it’s up to the support manager to determine how live chat would be best used to support the company’s goals. This capability for instantaneous communication can have a fast and significant effect on your business goals. This is why it’s crucial that your live chat goals align with your business objectives. Here...

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Becoming customer service leader

Nowadays customer service softwares, like Zendesk, collect more and more data on customers and also customer service agents. But what you should do all of this data? You can’t just to quantify and measure your efforts – you must do something worthwhile with the data and always be thinking about how to make the most out of your data. Zendesk recently organized “Raising the Bar” webinar where Cyrus Dorosti, Support Director at Optimizely, had a great quote: “It’s not about which metric you use, but how you use it.” This is especially true in customer service. There are lots...

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Why Zendesk?

If you have customers, you need Zendesk. Over 300 million people around the world receive support from Zendesk-powered customer service departments and help desks. Even though average industry ratings for customer service are low,  Zendesk customers experience positive ratings for over 86% of their interactions. This is the Zendesk difference. Zendesk is not just another help desk tool. It is the easiest and fastest way for creating great customer service. This unique way of customer service comes down to three things, product, people and practice. Simply put, Zendesk offers  industry-leading products, great people and the best practices for improving...

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